03 Sep


Bahasa Inggris bukan lah bahasa asing lagi ditelinga kita, apalagi jika kita seorang pelajar dan memang disekolah kita pastinya ada pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Disetiap belajar tentu kita akan diberikan tugas oleh guru mata pelajaran bersangkutan, dan kadang saat belajar bahasa inggris kita diberikan tugas membuat dialog percakapan.

Disini saya akan menulis tentang dialog percakapan bahasa inggris tentang bagaimana cara pemesanan tiket perjalanan via telepon. Langsung saja kita ke KTP ,, oops salah TKP … (Cuss) 😀


Receptionist: Hello, good morning, Taruna tour and travel is here. What can I do for you sir?

Mr. Kartasasmita: Good morning, I am Kartasasmita. I have a meeting in Jakarta on Wednesday, the day after tomorrow. So, I need one way ticket for tomorrow.

Receptionist: How many tickets that going to be ordered?

Mr. Kartasasmita: I need two tickets, for my wife and I.

Receptionist: All right Mr. Kartasasmita, tomorrow is Tuesday and let me check for a while… On every Tuesday, there are two flights to Jakarta and which one do you like better, in the morning, or at night?

Mr. Kartasasmita: So, you don’t have a flight for afternoon?

Receptionist: No, we don’t.

Mr. Kartasasmita: Ok, no problem. I choose the night flight.

Receptionist: At night you will fly on Faruda Air and your flight number will be Fd 220. It leaves at 7.30 P.M. and arrives in Jakarta at 9.00 P.M. But, at least you need to check in at least one hour before its departure.

Mr. Kartasasmita: Thank you for the information. I have noted those. How much does it cost?

Receptionist: It’s Rp. 550.000 and what’s your complete name?

Mr. Kartasasmita: I am Fandi Kartasasmita.

Receptionist: Thank you, and your wife?

Mr. Kartasasmita: Fitria Farida.

Receptionist: Ok, the tickets will be ready in less than one hour after you have transferred to our Bank account.

Mr. Kartasasmita: Ok. I will contact you soon after I do that.

Receptionist: Sure, I will be waiting for it. Thank you sir.

Mr. Kartasasmita: You’re welcome.

Ya sekian postingan saya kali ini, semoga bermanfaat ya bagi kita semua, jangan lupa di comment .. 😀


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Ditulis oleh pada 3 September 2015 inci Education



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